《極限超快感!!》Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R 2004-2005 大燈支架 269672


SKU: M523-A015
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The Brackets are a direct replacement for OE fairing brackets. They match OE fairing brackets in fit, form, and function. We are built to the same exacting specification as the OE engineers saw appropriate for your bike.
Why pay for an expensive racing bracket when you can replace it with a bracket appropriate for the street or the track?

All Riders Discount products are new, unused, and shipped in the factory packaging. Most items
ship double boxed so that you can be assured your shipment will arive in the condition you expect.
Brand new
Part Number:编号
Fitment:Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R 2004-2005
Style: Fairing Bracket
Color: Black
No include install Instruction


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