Harley Custom專用改裝後牌架-極限超快感


SKU: FE-510-Black
分類: -


Condition: 100% Brand New

Material: Iron stand and Plastic housing

Housing Color: Black

Quantity: 1 pc

Work on 12 Volt

light dimensions - 4" in diameter

Frame Size : 7" x 4"

3 wires: ground, tail light and brake light

It mounts in place of the outer axle spacer.

Fitment :

Fits for most Harley motorcycle/choppers/Bobber/ Sportster /custom applications with 3/4 " back axle and 7" x 4" plates .

(please check size before you buy )

This is an aftermarket /custom fit parts ,The license plate is designed to be mounted horizontally or vertically on either the left or right side of the bike by bolting it together using the precut mounting holes in the bracket. It also includes two different mounting brackets so you can either bolt this bracket to your axle or weld the included raw steel slug anywhere on your frame and clamp it to that.


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